In this category:
Using graphs: (you need to know how to use matrices)
1. Define some matrices
- Matrices of values:
- line_1=matrix{1}{8}{5 50 87 55 6 4 -10 -22}
- line_2=matrix{1}{8}{54 4 7 85 60 50 40 10}
- line_3=matrix{1}{8}{-54 40 7 80 40 40 54 80}
- Matrix of axis x values
- Years = matrix{1}{8}{1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002}
2. Add graph shortcode
- Start graph with "[graph]"
- Add graph title: "title: GRAPH TITLE;"
- Add graph values: "values:line_1,line_2,line_3;" values separate with ","
- Add horizontal axis: "X:Axis_x;"
- Add vertical axis title: "Y:VERTICAL AXIS TITLE"
- End graph with "[/graph]"
<m>line_1=matrix{1}{8}{5 50 87 55 6 4 -10 -20};n;line_2=matrix{1}{8}{54 4 7 85 60 50 40 10};n;line_3=matrix{1}{8}{-54 40 7 80 40 40 54 80};n;Years=matrix{1}{8}{1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002}</m>
[graph]title: GRAPH TITLE;values:line_1,line_2,line_3;X:Years;Y:VERTICAL AXIS TITLE[/graph]
Result:![line_1=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{5} {50} {87} {55} {6} {4} {-10} {-22}}}{]} line_1=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{5} {50} {87} {55} {6} {4} {-10} {-22}}}{]}](
![line_2=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{54} {4} {7} {85} {60} {50} {40} {10}}}{]} line_2=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{54} {4} {7} {85} {60} {50} {40} {10}}}{]}](
![line_3=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{-54} {40} {7} {80} {40} {40} {54} {80}}}{]} line_3=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{-54} {40} {7} {80} {40} {40} {54} {80}}}{]}](
![Years=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{1995} {1996} {1997} {1998} {1999} {2000} {2001} {2002}}}{]} Years=delim{[}{matrix{1}{8}{{1995} {1996} {1997} {1998} {1999} {2000} {2001} {2002}}}{]}](