
Basics of useMatrices

Using of matrices:

  • type: matrix{number of rows}{number of columns}{values separate with space}
  • example: matrix{3}{2}{10 15 25 30 10 55}
D=delim{[}{matrix{3}{2}{10 15 25 30 10 55}}{]}

<m>A=matrix{2}{2}{10+5 15 -25 17}=;n;n;B=matrix{2}{2}{25 14 0 -52};n;n;C=A*B=</m>


A=delim{[}{matrix{3}{2}{{10+5} {15} {-25} {17} {15} {25}}}{]}=delim{[}{matrix{3}{2}{{15} {15} {-25} {17} {15} {25}}}{]}

B=delim{[}{matrix{2}{3}{{25} {14} {0} {-52} {5} {8}}}{]}

C=A*B=delim{[}{matrix{3}{3}{{-405} {285} {120} {-1509} {-265} {136} {-925} {335} {200}}}{]}

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